Donna Falzon
New York, NY

Born: 1994
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 124
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Everything About a Day…Almost
Princess Phooey

Bio: Currently enrolled in Manhattan East for Arts and Academics grade 8

Shows(in order):

History Mystery (with TADA!)
Played Patty in young Martin Luther king scene

Everything About A Day (Almost)-Original Cast (with TADA!)
Played Ensemble; Rag Doll

Rabbit Sense (with TADA!)
Played Myrtle Turtle

Summer Stars-Original Cast(with Astoria Performing Arts Center)
Played Ensemble; Had Solo in grand finale song

Everything About Camp (Almost) (with TADA!)
Played Ensemble; Had solo in songs "Everything About Camp" and "Baseball Song"

Annie-Original Cast(with school)
Played Mrs. Hannigan
Who's Park is it Anyway? -Original Cast (with Astoria Performing Arts Center)
Played main character with my sister

Princess Phooey-Original Cast (with TADA!)
Played a scullery maid; Daisey
Everything About A Day (Almost) (with TADA!)
Played ensemble; had a solo song called "My Best Friend"
Extra Curricular Events:

Borough-Wide Band: Been playing flute with them for two years now.

Played Instruments:
2006: Flute and Piano
2007: Flute, Piano, Alto Saxophone, and Baritone Saxophone
2008: Flute, Piano, Alto Saxophone, and Baritone Saxophone

Children's Foundation for the Arts: Received a three hundred and fifty dollar grant for vocals

Vocal Lessons: Just started vocal lessons in November of 2007

About Me:
My full name is Donna Margaret Falzon. I have one younger sister who is 10. I am about five foot six inches. I have been singing all my life. I have never given up my dreams to become a famous Broadway singer one day. I am an active participant of TADA youth theater. One of my strengths is I can mix my voice very well. What I mean by mix my voice is I can combine my chest and head voice and it sounds so beautiful.



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