
Greasepaint brings “Eden” to children

PHOENIX, AZ- October 30, 2008 - After selling out its final performances of RENT – School Edition, Greasepaint Youtheatre now turns its sights to Children of Eden.  The musical, whose score was penned by Broadway’s Wicked composer, Stephen Schwartz, is a frank, heartfelt and humorous examination of the age-old conflict between parents and children.  Freely based on the story of Genesis, Children of Eden takes us from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to Noah and his Ark.  A departure, to be sure, from the provocative and edgy material of the company’s acclaimed season opener, RENT.  

“For me, one of the most important goals of doing theatre for youth is that we are constantly challenging our kids,” says D. Scott Withers, Greasepaint’s Artistic Director.  “Part of that challenge includes providing them with diverse stylistic offerings.  Children of Eden allows us to open up to younger performers while still challenging them with a tough score and a familiar, yet emotionally charged story.  Challenge is the key to really getting these thirty young artists to work together to commit and focus on a goal that maybe they didn’t even realize they were capable of achieving.” 

Greasepaint Youtheatre’s mission is to provide unique and compelling theatre experiences that challenge young people to stretch the boundaries of imagination and awareness and achieve a positive sense of self.  “With Children of Eden we continue to reach toward that mission,” says Withers, “and at the same time provide quality entertainment for the whole family.  The score is filled with joyous and moving music that ranges from pop and gospel to folk and reggae – there’s a little bit of something for everyone!” 

Tickets for the Children of Eden are $16.50.  Performances are Fridays at 7PM, Saturdays at 2 and 7PM and Sundays at 2PM from December 5th to December 21st at the Stagebrush Theatre located at 7020 East 2nd Street, on the northeast corner of 2nd Street and Goldwater in downtown Scottsdale. 

For more information or to purchase tickets call (480) 990-7405 or visit


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