
The Magik Theatre Takes New Modern Twist to Shakespeare Tragedy

San Antonio, TX—Everyone has heard of Romeo and Juliet: the “star-crossed lovers”

caught in the midst of feuding families, their forbidden love, and their fateful ending engulfed in love, despair, and desire.  Under the direction of Tony Ciaravino, the Magik Theatre is reviving this Shakespeare classic and shaking it up with a new modern look and sound.  Infused with rock-and-roll music, colorful costumes, and a storyline that speaks to young people today, this play is anything but ordinary.   It deftly weaves the past with the present  with 16-year old NESA students, Michael Phillips and Carenn Jackson, starring in the lead roles as Romeo and Juliet. 

“By having young people play the parts of Romeo and Juliet, characters predominately portrayed by older actors/actresses in the past, it creates a cross-generational learning experience “ said Tony Ciaravino, the director of Romeo and Juliet who also plays Mercutio in the production.  “The audience can experience this play through the eyes of 16-year olds falling in love for the first time and dealing with all of the emotions surrounding it.  Teenagers can identify with these emotions and therefore better understand the characters and the context of the play.”

The Magik Theatre invites you to come and experience Romeo and Juliet in a whole new light.  Let your hearts soar as Romeo (Michael Phillips) and Juliet (Carenn Jackson) fall in love.  Wait with bated breath as Paris (John Chuevront)  tries to win Juliet’s love and hand in marriage and the feud between the Capulets and Montagues ensues to its tragic end. 

Romeo and Juliet

By William Shakespeare

November 6-20, 2004

Saturdays 7:30 pm and Sundays 2:00 pm 


Director- Tony Ciaravino

Stage Manager- Shelley Laabs


Romeo- Michael Phillips                                           Friar Laurance-Greg Hinojosa

Juliet- Carenn Jackson                                             Nurse- Gypsy Pantoja

Benvolio-Dave Cortez                                              Lord Capulet- Brian Cobb

Mercutio- Tony Ciaravino                                         Lady Capulet- Asia Ciaravino

Paris- John Chuevront                                             Lord Montague/Apothecary- Richard  

Rosen Sampson/Peter- Gabe Rosen                     Abraham- DiNero Asvestes

Lady Montegue- Mindy Feedham                            Gregory- Diego Flores

Balthasar- Christopher Boneta                                Prince- Dylan Collins                                                            

Tybalt- Lee Marshall


Contemporary Theatre Arts Series/Evening Series

Tickets are $15 adults, $14 seniors/military, $9 for young adults under 18.

College student discount ticket for $9 with valid full-time student ID. 

Evening Series Annual Passes are available for $40 each.

Group rates apply for 11 or more.

The Magik Theatre is located at 420 South Alamo in downtown San Antonio.
Free parking is available: please call for directions.  Tickets and reservations can be obtained by calling (210) 227-2751.  For more information, visit our website at


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