2010 - 2011 Sixth
Annual National Youth Arts Awards
The Scrapbook!
~ California Ceremony ~
(taped by Frank Peikert)

It's a Hard-Knock Life

Charter Mini-Players' Dentist

Sheppard sings Astonishing from Newport Harbor High School's Little

Horner sings Waiting for Life from OCHSA's Once On This Island

Behnken sings Good Ol' Days from Culver City Middle School's Damn

Mendonsa sings Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from Justin-Siena
Theatre's The Phantom of the Opera

Brown sings So in Love from Tri-School Theatre's Kiss Me, Kate

Romero sings Gimme Gimme from APA's Thoroughly Modern Millie

Gonzalez sings Bring Him Home from APA's Les Miserables

Carlson sings Apology to a Cow from Corona del Mar High School's Bat
Boy: The Musical

Shaw sings Don't Cry for Me Argentina from Flintridge Sacred Heart
Academy's Evita

Nowadays from LACHSA's Chicago
~ New York Ceremony ~
(taped by Jenny Wallack)
Van Dusen opens the New York 2011 National Youth Arts Awards a la Broadway Training Center's The Drowsy Chaperone
Lieberman sings Spark of Creation from Kidz Theater's Children of Eden
Jeremy Smith
sings Empty Chairs and Empty Tables from ACT UP!'s Les Miserables
NYA Junior Division Award-winner Anna Fondiller
with Marina Sneider and Kobe Gorn perform A Pretty Kettle of Fish from Broadway Training Center's Anne of Green Gables
David Newman and Eric Berger
sings Timeless to Me from Riverdale Rising Stars's Hairspray
Ezra Mutnick and Ryan Esnard
of Riverdale Rising Stars sing a medley of A Little More Homework to Do from 13 and Corner of the Sky from Pippin
Brennyn Langhorn
sings Easy as Life from Kidz Theater's Aida
Jill Wiley
sings My White Knight from Penn Manor High School's The Music Man
Rebecca Simpson Wallack and Lauren Moore
sing Neverland from Westchester Broadway Theatre's Peter Pan
Wynnie Van Dusen, Rob Hoppper, and
the cast of Broadway Training Center and several other award winners close New York's 2011 National Youth Arts Awards with As
We Stumble Along from The Drowsy Chaperone