Antigone, a tragedy written by Jean Anouilh, is showing at the Black Box Studio Theatre at the Academy for the Performing Arts, Huntington Beach on February 4th-6th at 7:30pm.
Sophocles' original Antigone, a tragedy deeply rooted in Greek mythology, first appeared on the stage about 2,400 years ago. Anouilh’s
Antigone is an adaptation of Sophocles’ tragic play of the same title. Written in Paris in 1942, when Nazi forces occupied France, this adaptation depicts an authoritarian regime centered around the central character, the young Antigone.
Directed by Kellie Nitkin, Anouilh’s deeply moving plot revolves around the conflict between the idealist Antigone and her rigid uncle, Creon, over the proper burial of Antigone’s brother, Polynices. The play was also interpreted to represent the struggle of the French Resistance movement against the forces of the Vichy government during the height of Nazi occupation.
Seen through the viewpoint of our current time, Antigone raises crucial questions – when the towers of society, politics or finance are crumbling around us, do we fight for what works even if it’s wrong or do we fight for what’s right even if that means our end?
Antigone rips into these timeless issues and societal struggles, dissecting integrity versus compromise and arguing divine law versus human law.
In the original, Antigone is a powerful, right character, almost a martyr, and Creon is portrayed as a horrible villain. This version, however, is much different than the 5th-century tragedy, because no one is wrong. The way it’s written, the audience seems to be given a choice about who to side with. This battle of wits is the crux of the show— the irresistible force meeting the immovable object, and you may choose your own measure of ethical judgment individually.

Kaylie Flowers, a 14-year-old freshman at APA, embodies fully the stubborn, rebellious title role as Antigone.
Jacob Menke plays her uncle Creon, evoking both disdain and sympathy from the audience with the part. The entire cast has effectively created complex, fully realized characters, leaving you dealing with heavy
dramatic themes of death, justice and betrayal as you leave the theatre.
"This is a pre-professional training program, which means that whether these kids go on to pursue the arts is sort of irrelevant because they're in the program now, so I have to treat everyone as if they're intending to go out into the acting world after high school," the director said. "Morphing your looks is fortunately and unfortunately part of this business.... These kids are ready to tackle some drama, and not the typical comedies, because the APA program preps them for it."
Performed February 4 - 5, 2016
Chris Daniels
National Youth Arts
~ Cast ~
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Antigone: Kaylie Flowers
Creon: Jacob Menke
Ismene: Haley Blizzard
Haemon: Jake Webber
Nurse: Valerie Robfogel
Guard/First Guard: William Boyer Montgomery
Guard: Jacob Mesa
Third Guard: Daniel Lesnick
Messenger: Foster Kirkonnell
Page: Sophia Shajari
Eurydice: Caitlynn Yates
Lead Chorus/Chorus 1: Alyssa Hall
Chorus 2: Cassie Walsh
Chorus 3: Ayla Valentine
Chorus 4: Tatum Allen
Understudy Chorus: Kylie Martinson
Understudy Antigone/Ismene: Tatum Allen
Understudy Creon/Haemon: Daniel Lesnick
Understudy Guards: Erik Drake
Understudy Nurse: Catlynn Yates
Director: Kellie Nitkin
Assistant Director: Catlynn Yates
Technical Director: Klegmer Bonifacio
Lighting Design: Stephanie Laing
Costume Supervision: Courtney Suter Gilo
Costume Design: Chelsea Lucas and Marissa Sellars