
Young love destroyed by the rivalry between feuding families – the most famous of Shakespeare’s plays. A play returning to the stage of Granite Hills Acting Workshop, this time under the direction of Jim Chatham. A play beginning with a brawl between the Capulets and Montagues where men with swords and women with wooden chair legs leave blood on the streets and force the city’s prince to step in, condemning to death any further breach of the peace. A breach made inevitable when Montague Romeo and Capulet Juliet fall in love.

Derrick Gaffney is Romeo who instantly falls for Juliet, curing him of the unrequited love for Rosalind. Derrick’s strongest scene comes as he cowers in Friar Lawrence’s residence after murdering Juliet’s cousin Tybalt – Romeo’s reaction being a realistic one of a sensitive young man overwhelmed by the passions and fears raging through his body as unkind fate crashes down on him. Kristen Osborn is Juliet who shares a well-done balcony scene with Romeo and who has good comedic chemistry with her nurse who irritates Juliet with her long, complaining narratives.

Kayla Briggs is good as that talkative, comic relief nurse who enjoys her job keeping an eye on Juliet and keeping an eye on Romeo, even when he is hiding on the other side of Juliet’s bed after their first wedded night. Geoff Scholl is Tybalt who is in a constant state of extreme anger and no doubt would have died soon enough of a perforated ulcer if Romeo hadn’t perforated him first. Kylie Young uses expressions and body language to create Juliet’s vain, narcissistic mother. Jonathan Smith and Lorenzo Landini are Romeo’s best friends Mercutio and Benvolio who bring him up when he’s down, but whose friendship will lead to Romeo’s undoing.

Background music plays throughout many of the scenes, often working as a nice backdrop though it was a bit distracting at times. The costumes by Tara Markley, Brittany Payne, and Miranda Moore are especially effective at setting the scene in Verona during the early Renaissance when young Romeo and Juliet live, love, and die.

Performs February 15 - 24, 2007.

Rob Hopper
National Youth Theatre

~ Cast ~

Prince Escalus: Cody Swanson
Paris: Cody Dupree
Montague: Linden Melvin
Capulet: Wesley Leves
Romeo: Derrick Gaffney
Mercutio: Jonathan Smith
Benvolio: Lorenzo Landini
Tybalt: Geoff Scholl
Friar Lawrence: Dylan Mial
Friar John: Ryan Pfeifer
Balthazar: Alex Benjamin
Sampson: Alex Benjamin
Gregory: Cody Dupree
Antony: Jessica Schatz
Peter: Paris Cavender
Abraham: Chance Jackson
An Apotecary: Ryan Pfeifer
Officer: Ryan Pfeifer
Lady Montague: Jessica Relph
Lady Capulet: Kylie Young
Juliet: Kristen Osborn
Nurse to Juliet: Kayla Briggs
1st Servant: Megan Kedward
2nd Servant: Alina Cash
3rd Servant: Jessica Schatz
Chorus: Mr. Chatham
Cousin Capulet: Alix Mendoza
Clown: Chance Jackson
Potpan: Chance Jackson
Page: Alix Mendoza
Serving Man: Alex Benjamin
Becca Muller
Jackie Thornton
Anna Rottke
Danae Goward

Director: Jim Chatham
Assistant Director: Jamie Cabral
Costume Designers: Tara Markley, Brittany Payne, Miranda Moore
Light Designers: Cory Clanin, Robert Gusiche, Patrick Plummer
Sound Designers: Robert Conner and Craig Lewis


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