
Anything Goes
by Horizon High School

The Fine Arts Department at Horizon High School added another shining gold star to their remarkable list of accomplishments with their spring musical for 2007, "Anything Goes".  With music and lyrics by the incomparable Cole Porter and book by Guy Bolton, P.G. Wodehouse, Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse, the story concerns the shenanigans on a cruise ship bound for London from New York.  As directed by Horizon's distinguished Mr. Jay Seller, this slick production made for an enjoyable evening for the audience.

Among the characters on board: an evangelizing nightclub singer, Reno Sweeney (delightfully played by Bethany Kelly); a love-sick stowaway, Billy Crocker (Louis Casados); a second-rate gangster on the lam, Moonface Martin (Pat Wills), and the ingénue Hope Harcourt (Ashley Dean).  Horizon's production was well-paced and the jokes seemed to come one on top of the other, truly allowing the show to stand solidly, even though it is over 70 years old.  With choreography by Ms. Jennifer Johnson, the show stayed in style and wowed with its large tap dance number. It is wonderful to see high school students gaining tap skills that they will need as they continue to pursue musical theatre. 

There were some top-notch performances by many of the show's principal players.  Louis Casados a stand-out as Billy, who was last seen by this reviewer in Horizon's production of Camelot, has grown leaps and bounds in just 2 years time.  Great things are in store for this young man, who carried this well-known character with Astaire-like confidence and a simply
gorgeous singing voice.  Bethany Kelly, a senior at Horizon, expertly played Reno Sweeney, showing enough depth to pull off the character's softer side yet laying it on thick for the show's killer number, "Blow Gabriel Blow".  Hilariously, delightfully cast Justin Melton (are you really in 9th grade?- wow!) and Melynie Campbell as Elisha Whitney and Evangeline
Harcourt were the perfect partners, playing their characters to their comic hilt.  Ashley Dean was the sweet-voiced Hope Harcourt and Anthony Gianna the equally lyrical Captain.  James Miller was stuffy perfection as Lord Evelyn Oakleigh; his rendition of "The Gypsy in Me" practically brought down the house. Pat Wills, who played Moonface Martin, will surely
carry the memories of his audience's reactions to "Be Like the Bluebird" with him to Casper College next year.  He plans to major in musical theatre.  One particular standout from the chorus was definitely Noah Strozier as a tap-dancing Sailor who smiled his way through the entire show, lighting up the stage with an amazing smile with each number.  The vocals were strong when the entire chorus sang together without being overpowering, and Mr. Larry Meerdink as Horizon's Vocal Director has much to be proud of with this production.

The orchestra for Horizon's production, under the direction of Mr. Bob Wagner, was the crowning glory to the show.  Although occasionally the instruments overpowered the voices, the sound reinforcement helped and the orchestra not only played beautifully, but seemed to enjoy Cole Porter's music immensely. 

Congratulations to the cast and crew at Horizon High for sailing through a delightful show.  It is apparent you all enjoyed the voyage!

Performed February 22-24, 2007.

Tammy Franklin
National Youth Theatre

~ Cast ~

Reno Sweeney: Bethany Kelly
Hope Harcourt: Ashley Dean 
Evangeline Harcourt: Melynie Campbell
Lord Evelyn Oakleigh: James Miller
Elisha Whitney: Justin Melton
Billy Crocker: Louis Casados
Moonface Martin: Pat Wills
Erma: Catherine Chengery
Luke: James Chestnut
John: Derek Miles
S.S. American:
Ship's Captain: Anthony Gianna
Ship's Purser: Ashley Pennington
Angel Purity:  Brittany Truax
Angel Chastity: Nikki Romero
Angel Charity: Danielle Fulgham
Angel Virtue: Desiree Brown
Angel Faith: Sara Cobb
Angel Joy: Sarah Reynolds
Sailor #1: Brant Crosby 
Sailor #2: John Caraway 
Sailor #3: Noah Strozier
Sailor #4: Kevin Lerma
Sailor #5: Niko Gonzales
Sailor #6: VJ Lucero
Fred: Justin Wood
Henry T. Dobson: David Bonicelle
Reporter #1: Danielle Brown
Reporter #2: Sara Latham
News Photographer: Megan Sullivan
FBI Agent #1: Sam Varvir
FBI Agent #2: Tasha Trembath
Passenger/Old Lady: Elise Kelly

Director: Mr. Jay Seller
Vocal Director: Mr. Larry Meerdink
Orchestra Director: Mr. Bob Wagner
House Manager: Mrs. Brittany Wallis
Technical Director: Mr. Glenn Ashley
Choreographer: Ms. Jennifer Johnson
Lighting & Sound Design: Mr. Mark Payne & Mr. Jason Hoke
Lighting Director: Chris Hong
Sound Director: Mr. Mark Payne
Technical Crew:
Anthony Gianna, Louis Casados,  Derek Epstein, James Miller, Bethany Kelly, Justin Melton, Pat Wills, James Chestnut, Derek Miles, Anthony Gianna, Ashley Penington, Niko Gonzales, David Bonicelle


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